MIAMI - Maria19
Instances of Dora for speaker MAR

363MARyS <DoraSE tieneS el@s:spa> [///] digoS tskSE AlexSE tieneS elS bedspread deS Dora [=! handles_kitchenware] .
  yand.CONJ Doraname tienehave.V.3S.PRES elthe.DET.DEF.M.SG digotell.V.1S.PRES tsktsk.N.SG Alexname tienehave.V.3S.PRES elthe.DET.DEF.M.SG bedspreadbedspread.N.SG deof.PREP Doraname .
  Dora has the... I mean Dora has the bedspread of Dora
363MARyS <DoraSE tieneS el@s:spa> [///] digoS tskSE AlexSE tieneS elS bedspread deS Dora [=! handles_kitchenware] .
  yand.CONJ Doraname tienehave.V.3S.PRES elthe.DET.DEF.M.SG digotell.V.1S.PRES tsktsk.N.SG Alexname tienehave.V.3S.PRES elthe.DET.DEF.M.SG bedspreadbedspread.N.SG deof.PREP Doraname .
  Dora has the... I mean Dora has the bedspread of Dora

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