MIAMI - Sastre1
Instances of limpian for speaker KEV

880KEVque ellos limpian ellos bajan la pala y van caminando y van rompiendo esa hierba .
  quethat.CONJ ellosthey.PRON.SUB.M.3P limpianclean.V.3P.PRES ellosthey.PRON.SUB.M.3P bajanlower.V.3P.PRES lathe.DET.DEF.F.SG palaspade.N.F.SG yand.CONJ vango.V.3P.PRES caminandowalk.V.PRESPART yand.CONJ vango.V.3P.PRES rompiendosmash.V.PRESPART esathat.ADJ.DEM.F.SG hierbagrass.N.F.SG .
  they clean up, they put down the shovel, and they go walking and breaking up that grass.

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