MIAMI - Sastre1
Instances of two for speaker KEV

321KEVin two thousand and three (.) that the taxes were more or less (.) what they are now .
  inin.PREP twotwo.NUM thousandthousand.NUM andand.CONJ threethree.NUM thatthat.CONJ.[or].that.DEM.FAR thethe.DET.DEF taxestax.N.PL werewere.V.1P.PAST moremore.ADV oror.CONJ lessless.ADV whatwhat.REL theythey.PRON.SUB.3P areare.V.3P.PRES nownow.ADV .
670KEVlas de esas de oneE gigE twoE gigsE .
  lasthe.DET.DEF.F.PL deof.PREP esasthat.PRON.DEM.F.PL deof.PREP oneone.PRON.SG giggig.N.SG twotwo.NUM gigsgig.N.PL .
  those ones with one gig, two gigs.

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