MIAMI - Sastre10
Instances of open for speaker JEN

550JEN+< yeah you know how to open your legs .
  yeahyeah.ADV youyou.PRON.SUB.2SP knowknow.V.2SP.PRES howhow.ADV toto.PREP openopen.ADJ.[or].open.V.INFIN youryour.ADJ.POSS.2SP legsleg.N.PL .
570JENoh my god LiliSE we both can't walk over there to open the thing .
  ohoh.IM mymy.ADJ.POSS.1S godgod.N.SG Liliname wewe.PRON.SUB.1P bothboth.ADJ can'tcan.V.123SP.PRES+NEG walkwalk.V.INFIN overover.ADV therethere.ADV toto.PREP openopen.ADJ.[or].open.V.INFIN thethe.DET.DEF thingthing.N.SG .
577JENand we should just leave it open I think .
  andand.CONJ wewe.PRON.SUB.1P shouldshould.V.1P.PRES justjust.ADV leaveleave.V.INFIN itit.PRON.OBJ.3S openopen.ADJ.[or].open.V.3S.PRES II.PRON.SUB.1S thinkthink.V.1S.PRES .
585JEN+< open the door (.) for the dog (..) please .
  openopen.ADJ.[or].open.V.INFIN thethe.DET.DEF doordoor.N.SG forfor.PREP thethe.DET.DEF dogdog.N.SG pleaseplease.N.SG .
915JENthe last thing they wanna do is cut you open .
  thethe.DET.DEF lastlast.ADJ thingthing.N.SG theythey.PRON.SUB.3P wannawant.V.3P.PRES+TO.PREP dodo.V.INFIN isis.V.3S.PRES cutcut.SV.INFIN youyou.PRON.SUB.2SP openopen.ADJ.[or].open.V.2SP.PRES .

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