MIAMI - Sastre2
Instances of prendas

908AVAuna vez le robaron hasta un sobre con prendas que tenía .
  unaa.DET.INDEF.F.SG veztime.N.F.SG lehim.PRON.OBL.MF.23S robaronrob.V.3P.PAST hastauntil.PREP unone.DET.INDEF.M.SG sobreover.PREP conwith.PREP prendaspiece.N.F.PL quethat.PRON.REL teníahave.V.13S.IMPERF .
  one day they even stole an envelope with jewellery that she had.

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.