MIAMI - Sastre6
Instances of per

151AARapart from donating a toy <everybody pays> [//] (.) um you pay ten dollars per person (.) to ride in the toy run .
  apartapart.ADV fromfrom.PREP donatingdonate.V.PRESPART aa.DET.INDEF toytoy.N.SG everybodyeverybody.PRON payspay.V.3S.PRES umum.IM youyou.PRON.SUB.2SP paypay.V.2SP.PRES tenten.NUM dollarsdollar.N.PL perper.ADJ personperson.N.SG toto.PREP rideride.V.INFIN inin.PREP thethe.DET.DEF toytoy.N.SG runrun.N.SG .

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.