MIAMI - Sastre8
Instances of cristal for speaker AUD

11AUDun pedacito de cristal .
  unone.DET.INDEF.M.SG pedacitobit.N.M.SG.DIM deof.PREP cristalglass.N.M.SG .
  a bit of glass.
15AUDy xxx nada más con un pedacito chiquitico de cristal .
  yand.CONJ nadanothing.PRON másmore.ADV conwith.PREP unone.DET.INDEF.M.SG pedacitobit.N.M.SG.DIM chiquiticosmall.ADJ.M.SG.DIM.DIM deof.PREP cristalglass.N.M.SG .
  and [...] just with a really tiny piece of glass

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.