MIAMI - Sastre8
Instances of pitta for speaker AUD

754AUDmiraS pobreS DonS FranciscoS DonS FranciscoS nadaS másS queS comeS (.) pitta bread conS polloS .
  miralook.V.2S.IMPER pobrepoor.ADJ.M.SG Donname Francisconame Donname Francisconame nadanothing.PRON másmore.ADV quethat.CONJ comeeat.V.3S.PRES pittapitta.N.SG breadbread.N.SG conwith.PREP pollochicken.N.M.SG .
  look poor Don Francisco, Don Francisco eats only pitta bread with chicken.
756AUDporqueS nadaS másS queS comeS pitta bread pitta bread yS polloS .
  porquebecause.CONJ nadanothing.PRON másmore.ADV quethat.CONJ comeeat.V.3S.PRES pittapitta.N.SG breadbread.N.SG pittapitta.N.SG breadbread.N.SG yand.CONJ pollochicken.N.M.SG .
  because he only eats pitta bread, piitta bread and chicken.
756AUDporqueS nadaS másS queS comeS pitta bread pitta bread yS polloS .
  porquebecause.CONJ nadanothing.PRON másmore.ADV quethat.CONJ comeeat.V.3S.PRES pittapitta.N.SG breadbread.N.SG pittapitta.N.SG breadbread.N.SG yand.CONJ pollochicken.N.M.SG .
  because he only eats pitta bread, piitta bread and chicken.

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