MIAMI - Zeledon8
Instances of sacar for speaker MAR

1382MARbuenoS peroS noS loS puedenS sacarS porqueS siS sacanS elS bazoS comSE [=! self-interruption] compromises the immune system .
  buenowell.E perobut.CONJ nonot.ADV lohim.PRON.OBJ.M.3S puedenbe_able.V.3P.PRES sacarremove.V.INFIN porquebecause.CONJ siif.CONJ sacanremove.V.3P.PRES elthe.DET.DEF.M.SG bazospleen.N.M.SG comcom.N.SG compromisescompromise.N.PL.[or].compromises.N.PL thethe.DET.DEF immuneimmune.ADJ systemsystem.N.SG .
  well, but they can't remove it because if they remove the spleen it compromises the immune system.

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