MIAMI - Zeledon8
Instances of Ronnie

313FLAlet's talk about RonnieSE .
  let'slet.V.IMPER+US.PRON.SUB.1P talktalk.SV.INFIN aboutabout.PREP Ronniename .
314MARI wanna know about RonnieSE .
  II.PRON.SUB.1S wannawant.V.1S.PRES+TO.PREP knowknow.V.INFIN aboutabout.PREP Ronniename .
315MARRonnieSE <I have> [///] I don't know anything about +/.
  Ronniename II.PRON.SUB.1S havehave.V.1S.PRES II.PRON.SUB.1S don'tdo.V.1S.PRES+NEG knowknow.V.INFIN anythinganything.PRON aboutabout.PREP .
323FLA&=laugh RonnieSE no aprende .
  Ronniename nonot.ADV aprendelearn.V.3S.PRES .
  Ronnie doesn't learn.
393MAR+, you know that RonnieSE is <pushing me> [/] pushing me to have plastic surgery +...
  youyou.PRON.SUB.2SP knowknow.V.2SP.PRES thatthat.CONJ.[or].that.DEM.FAR Ronniename isis.V.3S.PRES pushingpush.V.PRESPART meme.PRON.OBJ.1S pushingpush.SV.INFIN+ASV meme.PRON.OBJ.1S toto.PREP havehave.V.INFIN plasticplastic.N.SG surgerysurgery.N.SG .
566MARbueno pero <RonnieSE es una má(quina)> [///] RonnieSE no para .
  buenowell.E perobut.CONJ Ronniename esbe.V.3S.PRES unaa.DET.INDEF.F.SG máquinamachine.N.F.SG Ronniename nonot.ADV parafor.PREP .
  well, but Ronnie is a machine, Ronnie doesn't stop
566MARbueno pero <RonnieSE es una má(quina)> [///] RonnieSE no para .
  buenowell.E perobut.CONJ Ronniename esbe.V.3S.PRES unaa.DET.INDEF.F.SG máquinamachine.N.F.SG Ronniename nonot.ADV parafor.PREP .
  well, but Ronnie is a machine, Ronnie doesn't stop
569MARRonnieSE <se hizo> [//] se había hecho los senos cuando era (.) joven bueno +...
  Ronniename seself.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP hizodo.V.3S.PAST seself.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP habíahave.V.13S.IMPERF hechodo.V.PASTPART losthe.DET.DEF.M.PL senosheart.N.M.PL cuandowhen.CONJ erabe.V.13S.IMPERF jovenyoung.ADJ.M.SG buenowell.E .
  Ronnie got done, she had her breasts done when she was young, well

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