MIAMI - Zeledon8
Instances of drug

1310FLAbut what happened was they started trying a new drug on him (.) like an experimental drug .
  butbut.CONJ whatwhat.REL happenedhappen.V.PAST waswas.V.3S.PAST theythey.PRON.SUB.3P startedstart.V.PASTPART tryingtry.V.PRESPART aa.DET.INDEF newnew.ADJ drugdrug.N.SG onon.PREP himhim.PRON.OBJ.M.3S likelike.CONJ anan.DET.INDEF experimentalexperimental.ADJ drugdrug.N.SG .
1310FLAbut what happened was they started trying a new drug on him (.) like an experimental drug .
  butbut.CONJ whatwhat.REL happenedhappen.V.PAST waswas.V.3S.PAST theythey.PRON.SUB.3P startedstart.V.PASTPART tryingtry.V.PRESPART aa.DET.INDEF newnew.ADJ drugdrug.N.SG onon.PREP himhim.PRON.OBJ.M.3S likelike.CONJ anan.DET.INDEF experimentalexperimental.ADJ drugdrug.N.SG .

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.