MIAMI - Zeledon8
Instances of pensaba

382MARentoncesS loS queS pensabaS hacerS esS enS vezS deS irS ahoraS enS spring break porS unaS semanaS mejorS irS enS junioS during summer vacation .
  entoncesthen.ADV lothe.DET.DEF.NT.SG quethat.PRON.REL pensabathink.V.13S.IMPERF hacerdo.V.INFIN esbe.V.3S.PRES enin.PREP veztime.N.F.SG deof.PREP irgo.V.INFIN ahoranow.ADV enin.PREP springspring.SV.INFIN breakbreak.SV.INFIN porfor.PREP unaa.DET.INDEF.F.SG semanaweek.N.F.SG mejorgood.ADJ.M.SG irgo.V.INFIN enin.PREP junioJune.N.M.SG duringdure.ADJ+ASV.[or].during.PREP summersummer.N.SG vacationvacation.N.SG .
  so what I was thinking of doing was, instead of going now in spring break for a week, going in June during summer vacation.

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