SIARAD - Davies10
Instances of sti

794HIL<oedd o> [//] dw i sureCE rŵan os dw i (y)n cofio (y)n iawn te oedden ni (y)n cael hanner diwrnod o (y)r ysgol sti .
  be.3S.IMPbe.V.3S.IMPERF PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S be.1S.PRON.1Sbe.V.1S.PRES sureI.PRON.1S nowsure.ADJ ifnow.ADV be.1S.PRESif.CONJ PRON.1Sbe.V.1S.PRES PRTI.PRON.1S remember.NONFINPRT PRTremember.V.INFIN correctPRT TAGOK.ADV be.1PL.IMPtea.N.M.SG PRON.1PLbe.V.1P.IMPERF PRTwe.PRON.1P get.NONFINPRT halfget.V.INFIN dayhalf.N.M.SG fromday.N.M.SG DETof.PREP schoolthe.DET.DEF know.2Sschool.N.F.SG you_know.IM
  I'm sure now, if I remember correctly, eh, we had a half day off school you know.
968MICdw i (ddi)m yn cofio sti .
  be.1S.PRESbe.V.1S.PRES PRON.1SI.PRON.1S NEGnot.ADV+SM PRTPRT remember.NONFINremember.V.INFIN know.2Syou_know.IM
  I don't remember, you know.
1013CLEoedd hi (y)n # oriau o waith (fe)lly sti .
  be.3S.IMPbe.V.3S.IMPERF PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S PRTPRT.[or].in.PREP hourshours.N.F.PL ofof.PREP workwork.N.M.SG+SM thusso.ADV know.2Syou_know.IM
  it was hours of work, then, you know.
1078MICdw i (y)n sureCE bod (y)na bentwr yn dod yma sti .
  be.1S.PRESbe.V.1S.PRES PRON.1SI.PRON.1S PRTPRT suresure.ADJ be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN therethere.ADV pilepile.N.M.SG+SM.[or].heap.N.M.SG+SM.[or].stack.N.M.SG+SM PRTPRT come.NONFINcome.V.INFIN herehere.ADV know.2Syou_know.IM
  I'm sure a lot come here, you know.
1361MICerCE <mae (y)na> [?] [///] ddaru (y)na ryw ddyn brynu fo sti erCE # ar_ôl i ni symud o (y)no .
  IMer.IM be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES therethere.ADV happen.PASTdo.V.123SP.PAST therethere.ADV somesome.PREQ+SM manman.N.M.SG+SM buy.NONFINbuy.V.INFIN+SM PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S know.2Syou_know.IM IMer.IM afterafter.PREP PRTto.PREP PRON.1PLwe.PRON.1P move.NONFINmove.V.INFIN fromhe.PRON.M.3S therethere.ADV
  some man bought it, you know, after we moved away from there.
1376MICmae o (y)n # bedwar_deg_dau acreCE sti .
  be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S PRTPRT.[or].in.PREP forty_twounk acreacre.N.SG know.2Syou_know.IM
  it's forty two acres, you know.

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