SIARAD - Fusser16
Instances of perthyn for speaker ANW

74ANW<oedd &g> [//] oedd (y)na hogan bach yn perthyn i nhw dod i (y)r UrddCE .
  be.3S.IMPbe.V.3S.IMPERF be.3S.IMPbe.V.3S.IMPERF therethere.ADV girlgirl.N.F.SG smallsmall.ADJ PRTPRT belong.NONFINbelong.V.INFIN toto.PREP PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P come.NONFINcome.V.INFIN toto.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF Urddname
  they had a girl who came to the Urdd
1405ANWefo fysai (y)n perthyn i chi de <(y)r un fath # rywbeth fel (yn)a> [?] .
  againwith.PREP be.3S.CONDITfinger.V.3S.IMPERF+SM PRTPRT belong.NONFINbelong.V.INFIN toto.PREP PRON.2PLyou.PRON.2P TAGbe.IM+SM DETthe.DET.DEF oneone.NUM kindtype.N.F.SG+SM somethingsomething.N.M.SG+SM likelike.CONJ therethere.ADV
  again, she'd be related to you, you know, the same, something like that

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