SIARAD - Fusser3
Instances of drio for speaker BEC

778BECohCE ella wna i drio +/ .
  IMoh.IM perhapsmaybe.ADV do.1S.NONPASTdo.V.1S.PRES+SM PRON.1SI.PRON.1S try.NONFINtry.V.INFIN+SM
  oh perhaps I'll try
780BECwna i drio lapio ryw ddau foxCE bach arall gynta # a rhoid umCE +// .
  do.1S.NONPASTdo.V.1S.PRES+SM PRON.1SI.PRON.1S try.NONFINtry.V.INFIN+SM wrap.NONFINwrap.V.INFIN somesome.PREQ+SM two.Mtwo.NUM.M+SM boxfox.N.SG.[or].box.N.SG+SM smallsmall.ADJ otherother.ADJ firstfirst.ORD+SM andand.CONJ put.NONFINgive.V.INFIN IMum.IM
  perhaps I'll try to wrap some two other little boxes first and put um...

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.