SIARAD - Fusser31
Instances of gweld for speaker ARF

51ARFsoCE be ti (y)n licio am gweld pethau (y)n fyw ?
  soso.ADV whatwhat.INT PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S PRTPRT like.NONFINlike.V.INFIN aboutfor.PREP see.NONFINsee.V.INFIN thingsthings.N.M.PL PRTPRT livelive.V.INFIN+SM
  so what do you like about seeing things live?
635ARFtimod ti (y)n gweld pobl weithiau <fel robotsCE> [//] yn symud fel robotsCE fel (y)na hefyd .
  know.2Sknow.V.2S.PRES PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S PRTPRT see.NONFINsee.V.INFIN peoplepeople.N.F.SG sometimestimes.N.F.PL+SM likelike.CONJ robotsrobot.N.SG+PL PRTPRT move.NONFINmove.V.INFIN likelike.CONJ robotsrobot.N.SG+PL likelike.CONJ therethere.ADV alsoalso.ADV
  you know, you see people sometimes like robots...moving like robots like that too
639ARF+< achos mae allan o (y)r # be dach chi (y)n gweld bob dydd dydy .
  becausebecause.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES outout.ADV ofof.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF whatwhat.INT be.2PL.PRESbe.V.2P.PRES PRON.2PLyou.PRON.2P PRTPRT see.NONFINsee.V.INFIN everyeach.PREQ+SM dayday.N.M.SG be.3S.PRES.NEGbe.V.3S.PRES.NEG
  because it's out of what you see every day, isn't it

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