SIARAD - Fusser7
Instances of oh

4ANE+< ohCE <fedri di> [//] xxx [//] <fedri di &s> [//] fedran ni sortio fo allan medran ?
  IMoh.IM can.2S.NONPASTbe_able.V.2S.PRES+SM PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S+SM can.2S.NONPASTbe_able.V.2S.PRES+SM PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S+SM can.1PL.NONPASTbe_able.V.3P.FUT+SM PRON.1PLwe.PRON.1P sort.NONFINsort.V.INFIN PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S outout.ADV can.1PL.NONPASTbe_able.V.3P.FUT
  we can sort it out, can't we?
34BLO+< ohCE yeahCE (dy)dy (ddi)m isio wneud o meddai hi (be)causeE plant bach <fydd o ie> [?] ?
  IMoh.IM yeahyeah.ADV be.3S.PRES.NEGbe.V.3S.PRES.NEG NEGnot.ADV+SM wantwant.N.M.SG do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S say.3S.PASTsay.V.3S.IMPERF PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S becausebecause.CONJ childrenchild.N.M.PL littlesmall.ADJ be.3S.FUTbe.V.3S.FUT+SM PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S yesyes.ADV
  oh yeah, she doesn't want to do it, she says, cause it'll be little kids, yeah?
45BLOohCE mae hi isio wneud o ond (dy)dy (ddi)m isio # actio meddai hi .
  IMoh.IM be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S wantwant.N.M.SG do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S butbut.CONJ be.3S.PRES.NEGbe.V.3S.PRES.NEG NEGnot.ADV+SM wantwant.N.M.SG act.NONFINact.V.INFIN say.3S.PASTsay.V.3S.IMPERF PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S
  she wants to do it, but doesn't want to act, she said.
67BLOo:hCE yeahCE .
  oh.IM yeah.ADV
69BLOo:hCE yeahCE .
  oh.IM yeah.ADV
71BLOohCE yndy .
  oh yes.
88BLO<ohCE na wnaeth hi> [?] &s +/ .
  IMoh.IM nono.ADV do.3S.PASTdo.V.3S.PAST+SM PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S
  oh, no she did...
90BLOohCE yeahCE ?
  oh.IM yeah.ADV
92BLOohCE xxx !
99BLO+< ohCE <ddôth AnnaCE> [/] erCE ddôth AnnaCE i siarad efo xxx diwrnod o blaen ynglŷn â # <by(dd) (y)n(a)> [?] umCE &=sniff +.. .
  IMoh.IM come.3S.PASTcome.V.3S.PAST+SM Annaname IMer.IM come.3S.PASTcome.V.3S.PAST+SM Annaname toto.PREP talk.NONFINtalk.V.INFIN withwith.PREP dayday.N.M.SG ofof.PREP frontfront.N.M.SG.[or].plain.ADJ+SM concerningabout.PREP withas.CONJ.[or].with.PREP.[or].go.V.3S.PRES be.3S.FUTbe.V.3S.FUT therethere.ADV IMum.IM
  oh Anna came to talk to [...] the other day, about, there'll be, um...
100ANEohCE yeahCE efo (y)r celf yeahCE ?
  IMoh.IM yeahyeah.ADV withwith.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF artart.N.F.SG yeahyeah.ADV
  oh, yeah, with the art, yeah?
134BLOohCE yeahCE .
  oh.IM yeah.ADV
137BLOohCE +/ .
144BLOohCE yeahCE .
  oh.IM yeah.ADV
150BLOohCE yeahCE .
  oh.IM yeah.ADV
156BLOohCE xxx !
157ANEohCE na mae isio sureCE .
  IMoh.IM nono.ADV be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES wantwant.N.M.SG suresure.ADJ
  oh, no, she wants to/there's a need to, of course.
174BLOohCE naddo ?
  IMoh.IM nono.ADV.PAST
  oh, no?
176BLOo:hCE yeahCE .
  oh.IM yeah.ADV
178BLOohCE yeahCE .
  oh.IM yeah.ADV
195ANEohCE <wna i guddio> [?] xxx +/ .
  oh, I'll hide [...] ...
230BLO&=sniff ohCE .
243BLOohCE mae (y)n iawn felly hwnna [?] .
  IMoh.IM be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRTPRT alrightOK.ADV thusso.ADV thatthat.PRON.DEM.M.SG
  oh, that's alright then.
260ANEohCE xxx <(dy)dy (ddi)m yn gall> [?] xxx ?
  IMoh.IM be.3S.PRES.NEGbe.V.3S.PRES.NEG NEGnot.ADV+SM PRTPRT sensiblebe_able.V.3S.PRES.[or].be_able.V.2S.IMPER.[or].sane.ADJ+SM
  oh, xxx, she's mad, [...] !
263ANEohCE ie (dy)dy hwnna (ddi)m_byd i wneud &i +/ .
  IMoh.IM yesyes.ADV be.3S.PRES.NEGbe.V.3S.PRES.NEG thatthat.PRON.DEM.M.SG nothingnothing.ADV+SM toto.PREP do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM
  oh, yes, that's not nothing to do...
267BLOia ohCE yeahCE hwnna be o'n i (y)n xxx .
  yesyes.ADV IMoh.IM yeahyeah.ADV thatthat.PRON.DEM.M.SG whatwhat.INT be.1S.IMPbe.V.1S.IMPERF PRON.1SI.PRON.1S PRTPRT.[or].in.PREP
  yeah, that's what I was [...]
274BLOohCE rightCE !
  oh.IM right.ADJ
278ANEohCE mae grantiau +// .
  IMoh.IM be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES grantsgrants.N.MF.SG
  oh the grants...
286BLOohCE ia dim problemCE .
  IMoh.IM yesyes.ADV NEGnot.ADV problemproblem.N.SG
  oh, yes, no problem.
299BLO+< o:hCE .
350ANE+" ohCE # wna i siarad efo FredaCE .
  IMoh.IM do.1S.NONPASTdo.V.1S.PRES+SM PRON.1SI.PRON.1S speak.NONFINtalk.V.INFIN withwith.PREP Fredaname
  "oh, I'll speak to Freda."
358ANE+< +" ohCE na dim problemCE .
  IMoh.IM nono.ADV NEGnot.ADV problemproblem.N.SG
  "oh, no, no problem."
364ANEohCE y cwrs yeahCE .
  IMoh.IM DETthe.DET.DEF coursecourse.N.M.SG yeahyeah.ADV
  oh, the course, yeah.
443BLO<ohCE wneith o idealCE wneith> [?] i +/ .
  IMoh.IM do.3S.NONPASTdo.V.3S.FUT+SM PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S idealideal.N.SG do.3S.NONPASTdo.V.3S.FUT+SM toto.PREP.[or].I.PRON.1S
  oh, that'd be ideal, wouldn't it, to...
444ANEohCE ges i lythyr yn deud timod bod y &ɬe [/] xxx [/] y cwrs yn llawn .
  IMoh.IM get.1S.PASTget.V.1S.PAST+SM PRON.1SI.PRON.1S letterletter.N.M.SG+SM PRTPRT say.NONFINsay.V.INFIN know.2Sknow.V.2S.PRES be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN DETthe.DET.DEF DETthe.DET.DEF coursecourse.N.M.SG PRTPRT fullfull.ADJ
  I got a letter saying, you know, that the course is full.
446BLOohCE &wa yeahCE .
  oh.IM yeah.ADV
453ANE+< xxx ohCE !
456ANEohCE !
458ANE+< ohCE na &k o'n i (y)n meddwl na fath â umCE i dalu nhw oedd o .
  IMoh.IM nono.ADV be.1S.IMPbe.V.1S.IMPERF PRON.1SI.PRON.1S PRTPRT think.NONFINthink.V.INFIN PRT(n)or.CONJ kindtype.N.F.SG+SM withas.CONJ IMum.IM toto.PREP pay.NONFINpay.V.INFIN+SM PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P be.3S.IMPbe.V.3S.IMPERF PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S
  oh, I was thinking it was, like, for paying them.
460ANEohCE !
463ANE+< ohCE da !
  IMoh.IM goodbe.IM+SM
  oh, good!
525BLOohCE ia ?
  IMoh.IM yesyes.ADV
  oh yes?
527BLO+< <ohCE (dy)na> [?] da .
  IMoh.IM therethat_is.ADV goodbe.IM+SM
  oh, that's good.
550ANE<es i> [///] o'n i (y)n absolutelyE ohCE +// .
  go.1S.PASTgo.V.1S.PAST PRON.1SI.PRON.1S be.1S.IMPbe.V.1S.IMPERF PRON.1SI.PRON.1S PRTPRT absolutelyabsolute.ADJ+ADV.[or].absolutely.ADV IMoh.IM
  I went.. . I was absolutely.. . oh...
574BLOohCE yeahCE ?
  oh.IM yeah.ADV
604BLOohCE bechod !
  IMoh.IM shamehow_sad.IM
  oh, bless!
613ANEohCE paid !
  IMoh.IM desist.2S.IMPERstop.V.2S.IMPER
  oh, don't!
626ANE+" ohCE GodE [?] mae Santa_ClausCE yn gwybod bod fi isio hwn !
  IMoh.IM Godname be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES Santa_Clausname PRTPRT know.NONFINknow.V.INFIN be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN PRON.1SI.PRON.1S+SM wantwant.N.M.SG thisthis.ADJ.DEM.M.SG
  "oh, wow, Santa Claus knows that I want this!"
631BLOohCE yeahCE .
  oh.IM yeah.ADV
656ANEmae (y)n rolio ei hun yn y <quiltCE de> [=! laughs] # â [=? a] (e)i pillowsCE &ava ohCE a (e)i umCE # fath â # +// .
  be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRTPRT roll.NONFINshade.V.INFIN+SM.[or].roll.V.INFIN+SM POSS.3Shis.ADJ.POSS.M.3S selfself.PRON.SG inin.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF quiltquilt.N.SG TAGbe.IM+SM withwith.PREP POSS.3Shis.ADJ.POSS.M.3S pillowspillow.N.SG+PL IMoh.IM andand.CONJ POSS.3Shis.ADJ.POSS.M.3S IMum.IM kindtype.N.F.SG+SM withas.CONJ
  she rolls herself in the quilt, right, with her pillows, oh, and her, kind of...
659ANEohCE mae (we)di gosod o ddel .
  IMoh.IM be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRT.PASTafter.PREP set.NONFINplace.V.INFIN PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S cutepretty.ADJ+SM
  oh, she's set it up nicely.
663BLOohCE xxx !
  oh, xxx!
697BLO+" ohCE sut mae nhw (y)n fudr ?
  IMoh.IM howhow.INT be.3PL.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P PRTPRT dirtydirty.ADJ+SM
  "how are they dirty?"
715ANE+" ohCE # wnes i estyn nhw i gymE .
  IMoh.IM do.1S.PASTdo.V.1S.PAST+SM PRON.1SI.PRON.1S reach.NONFINreach.V.INFIN PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P forto.PREP gymgym.N.SG
  "oh, I got them out for the gym."
720BLOohCE ddim (we)di malu +.. .
  IMoh.IM NEGnothing.N.M.SG+SM.[or].not.ADV+SM PRT.PASTafter.PREP break.NONFINgrind.V.INFIN
  well, didn't break down...
734ANE+< ohCE yeahCE wneith o wneud .
  oh, yes, it will do.
738BLO+" ohCE hereE weE goE costCE [?] arall !
  IMoh.IM herehere.ADV wewe.PRON.SUB.1P gogo.V.1P.PRES costcost.N.SG otherother.ADJ
  "oh, here we go, another cost."
741ANEohCE yeahCE (be)causeE (dy)dy (y)r dŵr (dd)im yn # cyrraedd fan (y)na na(g) (y)dy ?
  IMoh.IM yeahyeah.ADV becausebecause.CONJ be.3S.PRES.NEGbe.V.3S.PRES.NEG DETthe.DET.DEF waterwater.N.M.SG NEGnot.ADV+SM PRTPRT reach.NONFINarrive.V.INFIN placeplace.N.MF.SG+SM therethere.ADV NEGthan.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES
  oh, yeah, cause the water doesn't get to there, does it?
746ANEohCE paid .
  IMoh.IM desist.2S.IMPERstop.V.2S.IMPER
  oh, don't.
785ANEohCE GodE !
  oh.IM name
808ANEohCE (dy)ma fi fyny de ?
  IMoh.IM herethis_is.ADV PRON.1SI.PRON.1S+SM upup.ADV TAGbe.IM+SM
  oh, I went up, right?
827BLOohCE iawn .
  IMoh.IM alrightOK.ADV
  oh, okay.
874BLO+" <ohCE ti mynd i ysgol> [?] .
  IMoh.IM PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S go.NONFINgo.V.INFIN toto.PREP schoolschool.N.F.SG
  "oh, you're going to school"
882ANE+< ohCE !
884ANEohCE na mae (we)di download_ioE+cym nhw .
  IMoh.IM nono.ADV be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRT.PASTafter.PREP download.NONFINunk PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P
  oh, no, she's downloaded them.

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.