SIARAD - Fusser7
Instances of tibod

12ANE(be)causeE tibod ?
  becausebecause.CONJ know.2Sunk
  cause, you know?
352ANEa (dde)udodd FredaCE tibod +"/ .
  andand.CONJ say.3S.PASTsay.V.3S.PAST+SM Fredaname know.2Sunk
  and Freda said, you know:
355ANEtibod ?
  you know?
392ANEtibod wan (y)dy (y)r amser iddi hi # tibod wneud .
  know.2Sunk nowweak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF timetime.N.M.SG for.3SFto_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S know.2Sunk do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM
  you know, now's the time for her to do it, you know.
392ANEtibod wan (y)dy (y)r amser iddi hi # tibod wneud .
  know.2Sunk nowweak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF timetime.N.M.SG for.3SFto_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S know.2Sunk do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM
  you know, now's the time for her to do it, you know.
395ANEmae (y)n keenE yndy tibod ?
  be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRTPRT keenkeen.ADJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES.EMPH know.2Sunk
  she's keen isn't she, you know?
658ANEun o (r)heina efo ei phethau arno fo tibod ?
  oneone.NUM ofof.PREP thosethose.PRON withwith.PREP POSS.3SFher.ADJ.POSS.F.3S thingsthings.N.M.PL+AM on.3SMon_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S know.2Sunk
  one of those, with her things on it, you know.
722BLOumCE tibod y peth rubberCE thingE # (y)na roundCE ?
  IMum.IM know.2Sunk DETthe.DET.DEF thingthing.N.M.SG rubberrubber.N.SG thingthing.N.SG therethere.ADV roundround.ADJ
  um, you know that rubber thing, round thing?
798ANEfath รข neithiwr wnes i wneud iddyn nhw tibod ?
  kindtype.N.F.SG+SM withas.CONJ last_nightlast_night.ADV do.1S.PASTdo.V.1S.PAST+SM PRON.1SI.PRON.1S do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM to.3PLto_them.PREP+PRON.3P PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P know.2Sunk
  like last night I made them, you know?
826ANEmae fod yn y boxCE tibod .
  be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN+SM inin.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF boxbox.N.SG.[or].pox.N.SG+SM know.2Sunk
  it's supposed to be in the box, you know.

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