SIARAD - Fusser7
Instances of yr

3BLOdigon haws i mi canslo [/] canslo (y)r chequeCE .
  enoughenough.QUAN easiereasier.ADJ toto.PREP PRON.1SI.PRON.1S cancel.NONFINcancel.V.INFIN cancel.NONFINcancel.V.INFIN DETthe.DET.DEF chequecheque.N.SG
  easy enough for me to cancel the cheque.
46BLOdoedd hi (dd)im yn keenE ar [?] [//] iawn ar yr actio tro dwytha .
  be.3S.IMP.NEGbe.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S NEGnot.ADV+SM PRTPRT keenkeen.ADJ onon.PREP veryOK.ADV onon.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF actingact.V.INFIN timeturn.N.M.SG previouslast.ADJ
  she wasn't too keen on the acting last time.
47BLOwell gen hi (y)r canu .
  betterbetter.ADJ.COMP+SM withwith.PREP PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S DETthe.DET.DEF singingsing.V.INFIN
  she prefers singing.
54ANEa [?] apparentlyE mae (y)r cais (y)ma (we)di mynd i_fewn +// .
  andand.CONJ apparentlyapparent.ADJ+ADV.[or].apparently.ADV be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthat.PRON.REL applicationapplication.N.M.SG.[or].request.N.M.SG.[or].seek.V.3S.PRES herehere.ADV PRT.PASTafter.PREP go.NONFINgo.V.INFIN inin.PREP
  and apparently this application has gone in...
100ANEohCE yeahCE efo (y)r celf yeahCE ?
  IMoh.IM yeahyeah.ADV withwith.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF artart.N.F.SG yeahyeah.ADV
  oh, yeah, with the art, yeah?
107BLO+" beth am yr hogan arall yeahCE &=sniff ?
  whatwhat.INT aboutfor.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF girlgirl.N.F.SG otherother.ADJ yeahyeah.ADV
  "what about the other girl yeah?"
143ANE<a wnaeth> [///] ti cofio ni mynd lawr i GaleriCE i wneud <yr umCE> [/] ## yr # gwisg # SteddfodCE (y)ma [=? (y)na] .
  andand.CONJ do.3S.PASTdo.V.3S.PAST+SM PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S remember.NONFINremember.V.INFIN PRON.1PLwe.PRON.1P go.NONFINgo.V.INFIN downdown.ADV toto.PREP Galeriname toto.PREP do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM DETthe.DET.DEF IMum.IM DETthe.DET.DEF costumedress.N.F.SG Eisteddfodname herehere.ADV
  and you remember we're going down to Galeri to do this Eisteddfod costume.
143ANE<a wnaeth> [///] ti cofio ni mynd lawr i GaleriCE i wneud <yr umCE> [/] ## yr # gwisg # SteddfodCE (y)ma [=? (y)na] .
  andand.CONJ do.3S.PASTdo.V.3S.PAST+SM PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S remember.NONFINremember.V.INFIN PRON.1PLwe.PRON.1P go.NONFINgo.V.INFIN downdown.ADV toto.PREP Galeriname toto.PREP do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM DETthe.DET.DEF IMum.IM DETthe.DET.DEF costumedress.N.F.SG Eisteddfodname herehere.ADV
  and you remember we're going down to Galeri to do this Eisteddfod costume.
179ANEjustCE yr # organise_ioE+cym (y)dy o yeahCE ?
  justjust.ADV DETthe.DET.DEF organisingorganise.N.SG be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S yeahyeah.ADV
  it's just the organising, isn't it?
197ANEna(g) (y)dy ond timod yr fath â ## yr seamE ?
  NEGthan.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES butbut.CONJ know.2Sknow.V.2S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF kindtype.N.F.SG+SM withas.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF seamseam.N.SG
  no, but you know, like, the seam?
197ANEna(g) (y)dy ond timod yr fath â ## yr seamE ?
  NEGthan.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES butbut.CONJ know.2Sknow.V.2S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF kindtype.N.F.SG+SM withas.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF seamseam.N.SG
  no, but you know, like, the seam?
204BLOhwnna (fa)sai (y)r gwaelod .
  thatthat.PRON.DEM.M.SG be.3S.CONDITbe.V.3S.PLUPERF+SM DETthe.DET.DEF bottombottom.N.M.SG
  that would be the bottom
205ANEhwnna (fa)sai (y)r gwaelod .
  thatthat.PRON.DEM.M.SG be.3S.CONDITbe.V.3S.PLUPERF+SM DETthe.DET.DEF bottombottom.N.M.SG
  that would be the bottom
206BLOyr hemCE a (y)dy isio (y)r effectCE (y)na eto nôl ?
  DETthe.DET.DEF hemhem.N.SG andand.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES wantwant.N.M.SG DETthe.DET.DEF effecteffect.N.SG therethere.ADV againagain.ADV backfetch.V.INFIN
  the hem, and she wants that effect back again?
206BLOyr hemCE a (y)dy isio (y)r effectCE (y)na eto nôl ?
  DETthe.DET.DEF hemhem.N.SG andand.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES wantwant.N.M.SG DETthe.DET.DEF effecteffect.N.SG therethere.ADV againagain.ADV backfetch.V.INFIN
  the hem, and she wants that effect back again?
210BLO+< mae (y)n dibynnu faint o erCE tew (y)dy (y)r jeansCE .
  be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRTPRT depend.NONFINdepend.V.INFIN how_muchsize.N.M.SG+SM ofof.PREP IMer.IM fatfat.ADJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF jeansjean.N.SG+PL.[or].jeans.N.PL
  it depends how thick the jeans are.
211BLO<dw i> [/] dw i <heb (we)di> [?] trio (y)r xxx ar jeansCE eto justCE ar darn o defnydd .
  be.1S.PRESbe.V.1S.PRES PRON.1SI.PRON.1S be.1S.PRESbe.V.1S.PRES PRON.1SI.PRON.1S withoutwithout.PREP PRT.PASTafter.PREP try.NONFINtry.V.INFIN DETthe.DET.DEF onon.PREP jeansjean.N.SG+PL.[or].jeans.N.PL yetagain.ADV justjust.ADV onon.PREP piecepiece.N.M.SG ofof.PREP materialmaterial.N.M.SG
  I haven't tried the xxx on jeans yet, just on a piece of material.
226ANEoedd hi meddwl # (ba)sai (y)r bootsE <yn umCE> [/] # yn iawn efo nhw .
  be.3S.IMPbe.V.3S.IMPERF PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S think.NONFINthink.V.INFIN be.3S.CONDITbe.V.3S.PLUPERF DETthe.DET.DEF bootsboot.N.PL.[or].boots.N.SG PRTPRT.[or].in.PREP IMum.IM PRTPRT alrightOK.ADV withwith.PREP PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P
  she was thinking the boots would be alright with them.
227BLOond xxx sgratsio (y)r cefn .
  butbut.CONJ scratch.NONFINunk DETthe.DET.DEF backback.N.M.SG
  but [...] scratching at the back.
245BLOond mae (y)r thingE efo umCE cael nhw # yn GaleriCE (y)n ddau wahanol beth grantCE arall .
  butbut.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF thingthing.N.SG withwith.PREP IMum.IM have.NONFINget.V.INFIN PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P inin.PREP Galeriname PRTPRT two.Mtwo.NUM.M+SM differentdifferent.ADJ+SM thingwhat.INT grantgrant.SV.INFIN otherother.ADJ
  but the thing about having them in Galeri is two different things; another grant.
275ANEdyna be (y)dy (y)r pwrpas y thingE i_gyd yeahCE ?
  therethat_is.ADV whatwhat.INT be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF purposepurpose.N.M.SG DETthe.DET.DEF thingthing.N.SG allall.ADJ yeahyeah.ADV
  that's the purpose of the whole thing, yeah?
281ANEmae (y)r grantiau (y)ma +// .
  be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF grantsgrants.N.MF.SG herehere.ADV
  these grants are...
295ANE(be)causeE ti (dd)im isio wneud yr # +/ .
  becausebecause.CONJ PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S NEGnot.ADV+SM wantwant.N.M.SG do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM DETthe.DET.DEF
  cause you don't want to make the...
296BLO++ yr gwahaniaeth .
  DETthe.DET.DEF differencedifference.N.M.SG
  the distinction.
306ANEyr unig beth ydy ella eith nhw ry fach i rei ohonyn nhw ond # atE leastE gen ti +/ .
  DETthe.DET.DEF onlyonly.PREQ thingwhat.INT be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES maybemaybe.ADV go.3PL.NONPASTgo.V.ES.PRES PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P tootoo.ADJ+SM littlesmall.ADJ+SM forto.PREP somesome.PRON+SM of.3PLfrom_them.PREP+PRON.3P PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P butbut.CONJ atat.PREP leastleast.ADJ with.2Swith.PREP PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S
  the only thing is they might gone too small for some of them, but at least you've got...
318ANEa wedyn umCE dw (ddi)m yn gwybod be mae GailCE a (y)r twinsE yn wneud .
  andand.CONJ thenafterwards.ADV IMum.IM be.1S.PRESbe.V.1S.PRES NEGnot.ADV+SM PRTPRT know.NONFINknow.V.INFIN whatwhat.INT be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES Gailname andand.CONJ DETthe.DET.DEF twinstwin.ADJ+PV PRTPRT do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM
  and I don't know what Gail and the twins are doing.
339ANE+" dyna (y)dy (y)r pwrpas .
  therethat_is.ADV be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF purposepurpose.N.M.SG
  "that's the point."
392ANEtibod wan (y)dy (y)r amser iddi hi # tibod wneud .
  know.2Sunk nowweak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF timetime.N.M.SG for.3SFto_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S know.2Sunk do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM
  you know, now's the time for her to do it, you know.
397BLO&ədu # wnaeth hi ddeud bod mae (y)r coleg yn fath â umCE mynd dip(yn) bach yn +/ .
  do.3S.PASTdo.V.3S.PAST+SM PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S say.NONFINsay.V.INFIN+SM be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF collegecollege.N.M.SG PRTPRT kindtype.N.F.SG+SM withas.CONJ IMum.IM go.NONFINgo.V.INFIN a_bitlittle_bit.N.M.SG+SM littlesmall.ADJ PRTPRT.[or].in.PREP
  she did say that the college is, like, getting a little bit...
417ANEgynni hi (ddi)m o (y)r confidenceE timod ?
  with.3SFwith_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S NEGnothing.N.M.SG+SM ofof.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF confidenceconfidence.N.SG know.2Sknow.V.2S.PRES
  she hasn't got the confidence, you know?
437BLOa mae (y)r lotCE gynta yn cychwyn yn FebruaryE .
  andand.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF lotlot.N.SG firstfirst.ORD+SM PRTPRT start.NONFINstart.V.INFIN inin.PREP Februaryname
  and the first lot start in February.
448BLOa fiveE poundE fiveE mae nhw (y)n talu yr awr .
  andand.CONJ fivefive.NUM poundpound.N.SG fivefive.NUM be.3PL.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P PRTPRT pay.NONFINpay.V.INFIN DETthe.DET.DEF hourhour.N.F.SG
  and £5 .05 they pay, per hour.
449BLOa wedyn mae (y)r cylch yn cael perE umCE personCE mae <ni (y)n> [?] trenio i_fewn yn y cylch threeE [/] threeE hundredE andE thirty_threeE poundE # perE termE # perE # traineeE .
  andand.CONJ thenafterwards.ADV be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF circlecircle.N.M.SG PRTPRT get.NONFINget.V.INFIN perper.ADJ IMum.IM personperson.N.SG be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.1PLwe.PRON.1P PRTPRT.[or].in.PREP train.NONFINunk inin.PREP inin.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF circlecircle.N.M.SG threethree.NUM threethree.NUM hundredhundred.NUM andand.CONJ thirty_threeunk poundpound.SV.INFIN perper.ADJ termterm.N.SG perper.ADJ traineetrainee.N.SG
  and then the group gets, per person that's trained within the group, £333 per term per trainee.
455BLOjustCE i mynd i_fewn i (y)r cylch .
  justjust.ADV toto.PREP go.NONFINgo.V.INFIN inin.PREP toto.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF circlecircle.N.M.SG
  just for going into the group.
461BLOna mae hwnna (y)n mynd i_fewn i (y)r cylch .
  nono.ADV be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES thatthat.PRON.DEM.M.SG PRTPRT go.NONFINgo.V.INFIN inin.PREP toto.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF circlecircle.N.M.SG
  no, that goes into the group.
473BLOond umCE mae nhw (y)n ddeu(d) (wr)tha chdi yn yr thingE yeahCE umCE +/ .
  butbut.CONJ IMum.IM be.3PL.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P PRTPRT say.NONFINsay.V.INFIN+SM to.2Sto_me.PREP+PRON.1S PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S inin.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF thingthing.N.SG yeahyeah.ADV IMum.IM
  but they do tell you in the thing, right, um...
477BLOna <wellCE ddaeth nhw wneud> [?] yn [/] yn y llythyr ia <bod umCE> [//] # <i chdi peidio> [//] # i chdi gyfri nhw i_fewn fath â staffCE ond i chdi gofio bod nhw (y)n [?] allan o (y)r lle am un diwrnod cyfan .
  nono.ADV wellwell.ADV come.3S.PASTcome.V.3S.PAST+SM PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM inPRT.[or].in.PREP inin.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF letterletter.N.M.SG yesyes.ADV be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN IMum.IM toto.PREP PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S desist.NONFINstop.V.INFIN toto.PREP PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S count.NONFINcover.V.2S.PRES+SM PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P inin.PREP kindtype.N.F.SG+SM withas.PREP staffstaff.N.SG butbut.CONJ toto.PREP PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S remember.NONFINremember.V.INFIN+SM be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN PRON.3PLthey.PRON.3P PRTPRT outout.ADV ofof.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF placeplace.N.M.SG forfor.PREP oneone.NUM dayday.N.M.SG entirewhole.ADJ
  no, well, they said in the letter, right, that you're not to.. . that you're to count them in as staff, but to remember that they're away for one whole day.
490ANE+< twenty_fourE ydy (y)r limitCE anywayE yeahCE ?
  twenty_fourunk be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF limitlimit.N.SG anywayanyway.ADV yeahyeah.ADV
  24's the limit anyway, yeah?
528ANEyeahCE tua elevenE <(y)dy o> [//] timod ydy (y)r averageE .
  yeahyeah.ADV abouttowards.PREP eleveneleven.NUM be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S know.2Sknow.V.2S.PRES be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF averageaverage.N.SG
  yeah, about eleven is, you know, the average.
578ANE+" a paid â symud o (y)r gwely (y)na !
  andand.CONJ desist.2S.IMPERstop.V.2S.IMPER withwith.PREP move.NONFINmove.V.INFIN fromof.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF bedbed.N.M.SG therethere.ADV
  "and do not move from that bed!"
602BLO&=laugh be mae o (we)di wneud i sbydu [?] (y)r [//] &tə erCE y bedroomE ?
  whatwhat.INT be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S PRT.PASTafter.PREP do.NONFINmake.V.INFIN+SM toto.PREP empty.NONFINunk DETthe.DET.DEF IMer.IM DETthe.DET.DEF bedroombedroom.N.SG
  what had he done to mess up the bedroom?
639ANEsoCE <mae o> [/] <mae (y)r> [/] mae (y)r thingE yn sefyll i_fyny fel hyn .
  soso.ADV be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthat.PRON.REL be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF thingthing.N.SG PRTPRT stand.NONFINstand.V.INFIN upup.ADV likelike.CONJ thisthis.PRON.DEM.SP
  so the thing's standing up like this.
639ANEsoCE <mae o> [/] <mae (y)r> [/] mae (y)r thingE yn sefyll i_fyny fel hyn .
  soso.ADV be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthat.PRON.REL be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF thingthing.N.SG PRTPRT stand.NONFINstand.V.INFIN upup.ADV likelike.CONJ thisthis.PRON.DEM.SP
  so the thing's standing up like this.
707ANEond <oedd umCE> [///] # &ʔa <oedd (y)na ryw> [///] # mae union fel bod hi (y)n yr ha trwy (y)r flwyddyn sti .
  butbut.CONJ be.3S.IMPbe.V.3S.IMPERF IMum.IM be.3S.IMPbe.V.3S.IMPERF therethere.ADV somesome.PREQ+SM be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES exactexact.ADJ likelike.CONJ be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S PRTin.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF summersummer.N.M.SG throughthrough.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF yearyear.N.F.SG+SM know.2Syou_know.IM
  but it was.. . there was some.. . it's just like it's summer all year round, you know.
707ANEond <oedd umCE> [///] # &ʔa <oedd (y)na ryw> [///] # mae union fel bod hi (y)n yr ha trwy (y)r flwyddyn sti .
  butbut.CONJ be.3S.IMPbe.V.3S.IMPERF IMum.IM be.3S.IMPbe.V.3S.IMPERF therethere.ADV somesome.PREQ+SM be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES exactexact.ADJ likelike.CONJ be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN PRON.3SFshe.PRON.F.3S PRTin.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF summersummer.N.M.SG throughthrough.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF yearyear.N.F.SG+SM know.2Syou_know.IM
  but it was.. . there was some.. . it's just like it's summer all year round, you know.
741ANEohCE yeahCE (be)causeE (dy)dy (y)r dŵr (dd)im yn # cyrraedd fan (y)na na(g) (y)dy ?
  IMoh.IM yeahyeah.ADV becausebecause.CONJ be.3S.PRES.NEGbe.V.3S.PRES.NEG DETthe.DET.DEF waterwater.N.M.SG NEGnot.ADV+SM PRTPRT reach.NONFINarrive.V.INFIN placeplace.N.MF.SG+SM therethere.ADV NEGthan.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES
  oh, yeah, cause the water doesn't get to there, does it?
744BLOmae (y)r erCE [?] dŵr tueddol fod yn gwaelod yndy pan mae o (y)n # tollti allan ti ddallt feddwl ?
  be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF IMer.IM waterwater.N.M.SG susceptiblebiased.ADJ be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN+SM inPRT.[or].in.PREP bottombottom.N.M.SG be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES.EMPH whenwhen.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S PRTPRT.[or].in.PREP pour.NONFINunk outout.ADV PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S understand.NONFINunderstand.V.INFIN+SM mean.NONFINthink.V.3S.PRES+SM.[or].think.V.INFIN+SM.[or].thought.N.M.SG+SM
  the water tends to be in the bottom, doesn't it, when it pours out, see what I mean?
773BLO+" wnei di drwsio (y)r # mopCE [?] [=! laughs] &=laugh ?
  do.2S.NONPASTdo.V.2S.PRES+SM PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S+SM repair.NONFINmend.V.INFIN+SM DETthe.DET.DEF mopmop.N.SG
  "will you fix the mop?"
800ANE+" rightCE cerwch i (y)r bathCE !
  rightright.ADJ go.2PL.IMPERlove.V.2P.IMPER toI.PRON.1S.[or].to.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF bathbath.N.SG.[or].path.N.SG+SM
  "right, go to the bath!"
802BLOa mae dŵr yn dod trwy (y)r &bɔ +/ .
  andand.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES waterwater.N.M.SG PRTPRT come.NONFINcome.V.INFIN throughthrough.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF
  and water comes through the +/ .
804ANE+" lle uffar mae (y)r dripE (y)ma (y)n <dod o> [=! laughs] ?
  wherewhere.INT.[or].place.N.M.SG hellunk be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF dripdrip.N.SG herehere.ADV PRTPRT come.NONFINcome.V.INFIN fromhe.PRON.M.3S
  "where the hell's this drip coming from?"
813ANEwedyn [?] mae o (y)n dod lawr yr # thingE i_gyd xxx .
  thenafterwards.ADV be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRON.3SMhe.PRON.M.3S PRTPRT come.NONFINcome.V.INFIN downdown.ADV DETthe.DET.DEF thingthing.N.SG allall.ADJ
  so it's coming all down the thing, xxx.
819CIGxxx yn gwybod lle mae (y)r goriad nag oes ?
  PRTPRT know.NONFINknow.V.INFIN wherewhere.INT be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF keykey.N.M.SG NEGthan.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES.INDEF
  xxx know where the key is, no?
839ANE<<ti (y)n eistedd ar sofaCE> [?] rag ofn i (y)r bathCE dod drwadd> [=! laughs] !
  PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S PRTPRT sit.NONFINsit.V.INFIN onon.PREP sofasofa.N.SG fromfrom.PREP+SM fearfear.N.M.SG toto.PREP DETthe.DET.DEF bathbath.N.SG.[or].path.N.SG+SM come.NONFINcome.V.INFIN throughunk
  you sit on the sofa in case the bath comes through!
842ANE<a (y)r ci (y)r un fath> [?] !
  andand.CONJ DETthe.DET.DEF dogdog.N.M.SG DETthe.DET.DEF oneone.NUM kindtype.N.F.SG+SM
  and the dog's the same!
842ANE<a (y)r ci (y)r un fath> [?] !
  andand.CONJ DETthe.DET.DEF dogdog.N.M.SG DETthe.DET.DEF oneone.NUM kindtype.N.F.SG+SM
  and the dog's the same!
862BLOdo mae <(we)di tynnu (y)r umCE> [//] (we)di craf(u) +// .
  yesyes.ADV.PAST be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES PRT.PASTafter.PREP pull.NONFINdraw.V.INFIN DETthe.DET.DEF IMum.IM PRT.PASTafter.PREP scratch.NONFINscratch.V.INFIN
  yes, he's pulled the, um.. . scratched...
864BLO<ella na> [?] (we)di tynnu (y)r peth plasticCE xxx .
  maybemaybe.ADV PRTno.ADV.[or].PRT.NEG.[or].who_not.PRON.REL.NEG.[or].(n)or.CONJ.[or].than.CONJ PRT.PASTafter.PREP pull.NONFINdraw.V.INFIN DETthe.DET.DEF thingthing.N.M.SG plasticplastic.N.SG
  might have pulled out the plastic thing [...] .
866BLO(be)causeE mae (y)r gripCE o_dan dal i fod rightCE da .
  becausebecause.CONJ be.3S.PRESbe.V.3S.PRES DETthe.DET.DEF gripgrip.N.SG underunder.PREP continue.NONFINstill.ADV toto.PREP be.NONFINbe.V.INFIN+SM rightright.ADJ goodbe.IM+SM
  because the grip underneath is still pretty good.

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The support of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and the Welsh Government is gratefully acknowledged.