SIARAD - Lloyd1
Instances of half for speaker ART

305ARTwnawn ni adael halfE pastE SiânCE ?
  do.1PL.NONPASTdo.V.1P.PRES+SM PRON.1PLwe.PRON.1P leave.NONFINleave.V.INFIN+SM halfhalf.N.SG pastpast.ADJ Siânname
  we'll leave half past Siân?
308ARTtŷ chdi erbyn halfE twelveE bwyd am [?] # un .
  househouse.N.M.SG PRON.2Syou.PRON.2S byby.PREP halfhalf.N.SG twelvetwelve.NUM foodfood.N.M.SG atfor.PREP oneone.NUM
  your house by half twelve, food at one

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